The term ‘real estate’ is defined as land, including the air above it and the ground below it, and any buildings or structures on it. It is also referred to as realty. It covers residential housing, commercial offices, trading spaces such as theatres, hotels and restaurants, retail outlets, industrial buildings such as factories and government buildings. Real estate involves the purchase, sale, and development of land, residential and non-residential buildings. The main players in the real estate market are the landlords, developers, builders, real estate agents, tenants, buyers etc. The activities of the real estate sector encompass the housing and construction sectors also. The real estate sector in India has assumed growing importance with the liberalization of the economy. The consequent increase in business opportunities and migration of the labour force has, in turn, increased the demand for commercial and housing space, especially rental housing. Developments in the real estate sector are being influenced by the developments in the retail, hospitality and entertainment (e.g., hotels, resorts, cinema theatres) industries, economic services (e.g., hospitals, schools) and information technology (IT)- enabled services (like call centres) etc. and vice versa. The real estate sector is a major employment driver, being the second largest employer next only to agriculture. This is because of the chain of backward and forward linkages that the sector has with the other sectors of the economy, especially with the housing and construction sector. About 250 ancillary industries such as cement, steel, brick, timber, building materials etc. are dependent on the real estate industry. Indian Real estate sector is one of the most thriving industries of the present times. and we believe, the prospects of Indian property market is going to attract all major investors to this vast land of opportunities in coming years thereby giving a boost to already raising foreign direct investment. The Government of India has taken positive initiatives by offering the best in terms of real estate investment, by altering its FDI policies from time to time. With better infrastructure and availability of world class facilities, property in Indian prominent cities are the most sought after proposition. No wonder, this part of the globe i.e.India will emerge as the ultimate place for investment in contemporary retail,residential or commercial space in coming years.The boom in the sector has been so appealing that real estate has turned out tobe a convincing investment as compared to other investment vehicles such ascapital and debt markets and bullion market. It is attracting investors by offeringa possibility of stable income yields, moderate capital appreciations, taxstructuring benefits and higher security in comparison to other investmentoptions.With property boom spreading in all directions, real estate in India is touchingnew heights. However, the growth also depends on the policies adopted by thegovernment to facilitate investments mainly in the economic and industrial sector. The new stand adopted by Indian government regarding foreign directinvestment (FDI) policies has encouraged an increasing number of countries toinvest in Indian Properties.India has displaced US as the second-most favored destination for FDI in theworld. The positive outlook of Indian government is the key factor behind thesudden rise of the Indian Real Estate sector - the second largest employer afteragriculture in India. The growth curve of Indian economy is at an all time highand contributing to the upswing is the real estate sector in particular.Investments in Indian real estate have been strongly taking up over other options for domestic as well as foreigh investors